Year of the Water Dragon

Much have been said about the fate of the earth and the universe on the year 2012. Movies were already made, the Mayan calendar is expected to end and feng shui experts are all busy giving their advices on how to attract luck and blessings this year.

The year of the water dragon according to chinese astrologers is a golden year for people from the year of the rat or monkey. Oh well, both me and Jay are both Rats. Yipeeee for us! This is definitely our year, or so we believe. :)

February 2010, Baguio City

Here are some of the bits and pieces I've read about our signs from the website I find all these intriguing and hmmm quite interesting. :)

Love and Relationships: Pisces 2012 Predictions
New love may be on the immediate horizon for unattached Pisceans while those who are already in a relationship will experience a renewed sense of commitment and interest in 2012. On the family front, things will be rather pleasant this year for the ever devoted Pisces who should look to their children and spouses for sources of inspiration and joy.
In spite of the mostly harmonious year ahead, the third quarter might bring about a minor disagreement of sorts with members of the opposite sex and extra care should be paid to matters of love during October and November. Control feelings of anger and use your diplomacy skills to mend fences as soon as possible. And be prepared for others to come to you this year during times of despair. Despite Pisces great need to be supportive of people around them, they often forget to tend to their own needs, which is essential in order to continue helping others.

Overall Pisces will be able to enjoy a mostly pleasant year in surviving 2012 and build a strong foundation for the following year with their vast intelligence and intuitiveness.

Love and Relationships: Gemini 2012 Predictions

Gemini is known for their extreme trustworthiness and ability to bring out the best in others, making it rather easy for them to make and maintain relationships. However, in this upcoming year, the Twins will want to keep their argumentative, questioning, and suspicious natures neatly in check if they want to continue enjoying harmonious personal relationships, especially with their significant others.
Gemini should wisely use the second half of 2012 to mend any fences that were broken during the first two quarters of the year due to flared tempers or loose tongues and rely on their great ability to bring peace to just about any type of situation.

All in all, Gemini should look for a dynamic, exciting year that is rich with surprises as well as emotional fulfillment while surviving 2012.

Buenos Aires Mountain Resort, Negros Occidental, February 2010
But beyond those predictions, we are hopeful that God would continuously watch over us, give us wisdom on key decisions, bless us with financial provisions and good health this year and the years to come. May our forthcoming union strengthen our faith in Him and be our charm to be lucky and happy this year. Cheers to that! :)


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